What is the Spring Season?

Start & End of Spring 2019 – Among the four seasons, spring has the most numbered definitions and meanings, however, like all seasons, the existence of spring also varies among countries. According to its equinox, during spring, days are roughly twelve hours long with a growing length of days as the season develops.

The presence of spring that is normally called by many as “springtime” also aides the ideas of rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation, regrowth and resurrection.

Spring is the season that follows the cold winter. The easiest way to know if spring is approaching is that the dusk is shorter, the sun rises earlier and sets later in the afternoon. The flowers and plants start to bloom; birds chirp with a happy sound, new born lambs are delivered fresh from the farm and other animals are wide awake and start to breed after a long period of hibernation during the winter solstice.

In other cultures, spring is associated with festivals and rites. In European regions, it is celebrated by harvesting their crops. In popular Christian belief, during this time of the season, Easter is well commemorated as a yearly feast after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The labor movement also celebrates during spring. There is also the internationally known holiday ‘May Day’ or ‘Labor Day’ to remember socio- economic achievements on May 1st.

Spring break, in most of the countries, is a long vacation period for the students. Depending on the region, it is widely celebrated along with music festivals and parties. In America, some of the  most popular places to visit during spring break are Florida beaches such as Daytona and Panama City Beach.

However, spring season can be sometimes varied. In this phenomenon, a lot of extreme changes in the climate are expected. It can be quite rainy at times, which is helpful for the plants, flowers and trees to grow naturally and beautifully. However, rainfall can deliver a huge amount of water which could cause floods.

As the flowers started to bloom, this season is greatly associated with change, as this season signifies transformation and adaptation from the cold winter storms.

When does Spring Start and End in 2019?

Start: March 20

End: June 21